I am reminded everyday about the adversity that we face in our lives. We see it on TV, in the paper and on the streets around us. There is a seemingly endless amount of stress that is occurring within our daily lives that is overwhelming the majority of us. According to a report released by…
Category: Health

Stop treating pathology and begin improving physiology!
The primary approach in our heath care system is to treat the pathologic changes that have taken place in your body rather than treating the physiologic cause of it. We are continually seduced by the reductionistic model that forces us to find the single variable that is causing the majority of our health issues. This…

The connection between skin conditions (cancer) and your gastrointestinal system
When we think of skin problems, our thoughts usually go right to what is happening on the outside that is causing the skin to be irritated. Did my laundry detergent change? Have I been in the sun to long? Are the clothes that I am wearing causing this rash? Do I have acne because my…

Angelina Jolie’s choice, is that true cancer prevention?
Well I thought I would add my opinion to this celebrity decision that was made. You probably know that Angelina Jolie decided to have a mastectomy because she was positive for a genetic mutation that increases the probability of her expressing breast/ovarian cancer. These decisions are often made because people want to prevent the possibility…

Understanding the adverse effects of birth control on your health
Are you taking birth control pills or using an IUD to manage a health concern? If you are, consider asking yourself the question, how are these hormones affecting my health? Often times the reason why women go on birth control is because they are dealing with increased menstrual flow, increased uterine cramping, acne, weight gain,…
Gluten is not the problem, you are!
After reading the article in The Oregonian yesterday, I thought I should weigh in on my opinion about gluten. The reality is that gluten is not the problem. The harsh reality is that your body’s reaction to gluten is the major issue. You are the problem. Now do not get me wrong, you and those…
Dr. Buttler’s H.E.A.L.T.H. promoting guidlines!
Dr. Buttler’s H.E.A.L.T.H Guidelines. Helping Everyone Achieve Longevity Through Healing *Only drink room temperature water. Your body has to heat up cold water wasting your body’s resources. *Use healthy hygiene products. If you would not put it in your body, do not put it on your body. Here are the companies that Dr. Buttler…
The “quick fix” is a quicker way to cancer.
I was reading in the Oregonian the other day about a new treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension). The article was talking about how there is an increased number of people with high blood pressure who are not responding to their pharmaceutical medications. The new treatment is centered around cutting the nerve that innervates (stimulates)…
Prioritzie your health, invest in food!
I was doing my wellness class the other day and touched on the idea of how much we spend as Americans on our most important medicine, food! As a nation we spend the least amount of our income on our grocery bill. We have become accustomed to this idea that food should be cheap. Here…
Cancer, the disease of our civilization.
The following link is to an article about the true cause of cancer. To believe that cancer is merely the tumor or the group of cells that are growing at an uncontrolled pace is a very minimalistic approach. In order to truly treat and prevent this disease from occurring, we have to begin changing our…