I have done a lot of work with people around the concept of acceptance. When you work on the acceptance of everything and the concept of “loving what is” (Byron Katie), this creates a certain tolerance for you to manage whatever might show up for you in your life. This should seem exciting, because things…
Category: Health
Let’s stop pretending we are going to find the answer to health in the bottle!
It just really fires me up that so much time, energy, and money is spent on looking for the next drug, herb, or vitamin that promises to end the suffering that people are dealing with. I was just reading a naturopathic publication that talks about pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) (a compound found in interstellar dust) as…
I am cured! Not so fast… An example of why you want to keep your uterus.
I was researching a condition that a patient of mine has and I stumbled across this: “The cause of adenomyosis remains unknown, but the disease typically disappears after menopause. For women who experience severe discomfort from adenomyosis, certain treatments can help, but hysterectomy is the only cure.” I think this is pretty interesting. Let me…
You can feel better! But be ok putting in the work
This post is a reminder to all my patients and really anyone out there who is working on their health. Improvement can and will happen as long as you walk down the right path. And yes walk, not run. When you are hurting there is a natural inclination to want to feel better and if…
With regard to your health, food is everything and food is nothing
So, let’s start with the obvious: the food that the majority of our country eats is not good. If you are eating packaged foods, convenience foods, or any other processed food (and this includes drink, which would really be anything outside of water and herbal tea), it is a major problem for your health. The…
Ten Objections to Manifesting a Healthy and Abundant Life
At my clinic, I see patients from every walk of life and I have successfully treated almost every major health concern you can imagine. Some patients seem able to follow my treatment recommendations with an almost enviable ease. Others find it very difficult to gain or maintain momentum to reach their health goals. Most of us are…
Leaky gut/SIBO is not the real problem.
For the past few years there has been a lot of attention put onto the health of the gastrointestinal (GI) system, and rightly so. Terms such as “leaky gut” and “small intestinal bacteria overgrowth” (SIBO) have taken over in the world of holistic medicine as the possible causes of disease that ails people. People will…
Dr.Buttler’s Top 10 health recommendations!
Here you go… Stop worrying, everything is going to be ok! Move, not just your body but your blood and lymphatic fluid. Eat what nature made, not man. Put cold water on your body for 30 seconds per day. Breathe consciously through the day. Drink water, only water. Sleep, before 10pm, for at least…
The highest form of healing is the reduction of fear
In my quest to understand what causes human suffering and disease, I continue to stumble upon the impact that fear has on the mind and body. Fear in its truest form is something that helps an individual survive. For example, if you touch the stove and burn your hand, you establish a fear of touching…
Helping people “buy in” to the fact that they control the state of their health.
Every choice that you make has an impact on your health. This can seem overwhelming at first because it forces you to begin looking at why you choose to do what you do. For many people they would rather not know. For others, once they understand this concept, it becomes the missing link that allows…